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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Decorate To Celebrate! Comment Hop & Giveaway!! :)

Hello to all of our AMAZING followers!!  This is just a FUN reminder that our 'Comment Hop' ends at 11:59pm on Saturday, June 18th!!  What's a 'Comment Hop'???  Well, it's our way of celebrating the AWESOME creations of our designers and challenge participants!!  To be eligible to win a FUN prize, all you need to do is hop to each of our Guest Designer's projects and each of the participants' projects to leave an encouraging comment!!  We'd love for you to become a follower at each blog (with a link to your blog so everyone can find you too!) since our 'mission' is all about promoting and celebrating one another...  When you're done, be sure to leave a comment here so that we know to include you in the drawing!! :)

To make your hopping easier, we've included a link for each project to visit!!  Clicking on the picture will take you directly to that project!!  Please be sure to mention in your comment that you're visiting from Decorate To Celebrate!! :)  Have FUN!! :)
**You do NOT need to leave a second comment to be eligible to win, so if you have left comments on any of the project posts already, THANK YOU!! --those comments count!!**

1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
10. 11. 12.
13. 14. 15.

Happy Hopping, everyone!! Gather up some last-minute Father's Day Party ideas from our talented friends!! :) Our 'Comment Hop' WINNER will be announced on Sunday!! :)


  1. Awesome idea for a hop. I really liked having all the pics in one place. It made linking to each page super easy!!! Super Fantastic creations by all. I needed some ideas and I think I have a final project in mind for my DH!!

  2. Rhonda and Amy -- Thanks for an awesome hop to go along with your awesome challenge blog! I really enjoyed seeing all the amazing projects! Each one was creative and unique!

    The thing I love most about this challenge blog is that it pushes me out of my comfort zone of making cards and the occasional scrapbook layout. So thank you both for helping me expand my crafty imagination :D


  3. Rhonda and Amy,
    Thanks sor much for this awesome challenge and hop! I really enjoyed hoppin through all the awesome projects:) Boy, a lot of inspiration and amazing talent! Thanks again~I look forward to playing in more challenges!
    Sherrie K

  4. LOVED this HOP!! found new inspiration and some new blogs. I am always inspired and looking at projects that are thought up and I think.. duh! why didn't I ever think of that. LOL :)


Thank you for your lovely comments and entering this challenge!!